
Seeking Venture
Looking for Pioneer Venture
Overview for our business partner
1. Digital life provider including front side hardware, integration software,moving operation touch panel.
2. Easy to create a variety of business model for most of partner, and easy to time to market, time to money.
3. Pick up, setting, then you will have your own market products
4. Easy connect your home all device or service from provider to one touch panel.
5. All in one panel , only one touch, or one voice enjoying most of life style.
For Diverse business models and partner


Example for different kinds of field’s application
1. Fully Digital home life, e-home, security home, Digital Entertainment,digital working
2. Health Care / Hospital care and service
3. Community or building management

We look forward to finding partners to act as distributors or agents, and case cooperators in Taiwan, or other regions around the globe. If you are interested in such a partnership, please make contact with us at:

Telephone: +886-3-657-7900
E-mail: service@ubiqelife.com